Terran Guide 

Micro and Macro
Learning to Micro and Macro is what sets copper players apart from the diamond players. Our guide will take your Micro and Macro game to diamond status while learning the hot keys and how to control your units.

Getting Started as Terran
Playing Starcraft 2 learning the basics is a must to survive. The Terran Guide will teach you the top strategies that diamond players use when it comes to build orders and how to build quickly and efficiently.

Terran Strategies
Whether your opponent is Protoss, Terran, or Zerg knowing the right strategies to use in each game is critical to success. The Terran Guide teaches you the top Starcraft 2 strategies used by Terran players so no matter what the situation you will be ready.

Protoss Guide

To the next Level
The Protoss Guide will teach you the top strategies while playing as Protoss to advance your skill to compete with Diamond level players. Learning how to use each unit in every situation is what will set you apart from the other players. Combined with learning how to correctly Micro and Macro when playing Protoss will take your game to levels it's never been.

Protoss vs...
It doesn't matter if you play 1v1 or 4v4 knowing how to counter each race will give you the advantage in any game. Learning how and when to scout will increase your chances of knowing what unit build to go to lead you to victory.

Protoss Build Orders
Our Protoss build order guides will teach you the build orders used by Starcraft 2 Pros for the top strategies in the game. If you are going a Void Ray rush or just a standard opening build you will learn how to quickly and efficiently go use the top build orders to carry you to victory in each match.

Wining with Protoss
Protoss players have a lot of abilities at their arsenal and knowing how to use all their abilities is what sets apart the Pros and the Copper Leauge. The Protoss guide teaches you every aspect of the race to earn Diamond rank.

Zerg Guide

Zerg Build Orders
In order to master Zerg and macro like a Pro Starcraft 2 player you must learn the top Zerg build orders. Learn how to start each game and how to evolve into each strategy with the Build orders used by the Pros.

The Swarm of the Zerg
Zerg is one of the more difficult races for players to learn, although once learned the Zerg can be the most powerful race in the game. The Zerg have a variety of ways to attack from quick Zerglings to the powerful Ultralisk knowing how to counter your opponent is key.

Knowing your Opponent
As Zerg you control the Macro of the game, although knowing when to hit and what units to get in each game can determine the out come of every one of your games. The Zerg Guide teaches you how counter every build and the Zerg strategies used by pro Starcraft 2 players.


Joana's Starcraft 2 Strategy Guide

New Starcraft 2 Guide by Joana. This is a full strategy guide for Blizzard Entertainment's new game Starcraft 2. Click Here!